About Me (cont.)
I’m the wife of the best man, mom of a boy and girl. Big dogs are my weakness - we had a yellow lab named Beau we had from birth until last year. I love crafting - anything from woodworking to crocheting and I really want to learn how to macramé! I really do love my morning coffee, but recently gave that up… why? I have no idea, but the occasional cup tastes so much better than the daily. But I really do love coffee, more as a comfort thing than an addiction. And wine. It needs it’s own sentence. Really though, living in Sonoma County, Ca, has some of the best wine in the world! Also, you will find me taking little day adventures with our kids when my husband is working just to get out of the house, grocery shopping because for some reason we never have food, or shopping online (I recently canceled my Amazon subscription and it has helped tremendously with this!) Send me a message here if you want to know more!
Check out my Instagram grid below. This is where you will find my most up to date photo gallery and get to know me through the words under the squares. If you don’t already, follow me here!